Monthly Archives: June 2014

Routine for the perfect skin care

If you are having trouble getting a peptide skin cream routine in place for yourself, get some advice fast. It is well known that a fixed routine for your skin is always something you need to follow atleast twice a day. Most people cleanse and moisturize their faces before sleeping and in the morning. If you have complex skin, look for advice from a dermatologist. A good routine will help stop aging, break outs and blemishes appearing on the skin. For an oily skin, it is important to keep it clean at all times. Use a cleanser that is not drying or soapy. It should be mild. Invest in a toner, moisturizer and defoliant. Natural ingredients are the best. If you use make up, remember to clean your face twice a day ensuring all traces of make-up is removed.  Exfoliation is also very important. Lastly at night remember to use an anti-aging cream containing peptides. These will produce collagen and firm up the skin over a period of time. Ensure your cream is paraben free and instead contains natural extracts like retinol or vitamin A and hyaluronic acids. For dry skin, again you must cleanse tone and moisturize. Look for a good day moisturizer with Aloe-Vera extracts. This will keep your skin supple and elastic. Use something with non-comedogenic properties so that your pores do not clog. Also be on the lookout for moisturizers containing mango extracts and Shea butter extracts. Also try exfoliating with a gentle scrub twice a week.